Decorative Items

For more decorative items make sure you check out our Pinterest page HERE


 Image  Item Name  Description  Hire Price
Wine Barrel

Rustic wooden wine barrel, perfect as a decorative item or add seating


Cloud Nine Weddings Hanging Wooden Mrs & Mrs Two seperate pieces to hang on couples' chairs $20.00 set
Cloud Nine Weddings - Crystal Chandelier Large Crystal Chandelier Large crystal chandelier as a statement piece for a function room $150.00ea
Cloud Nine Weddings Round Rattan Charger A great option to suit beach themed events $3.00ea
White charger White charger plate perfect for beautifully elegant weddings & events $3.00ea
Gold or Silver Charger Gold charger with beautiful detail on the edge $3.00ea
Glass Chargeer with gold beading Elegant charger with beautiful gold beads around the edge $5.00ea
Cloud Nine Weddings - Festoon Ligthing Festoon Lighting Perfect for an outdoor wedding  $45.00 p/10m
(excluding poles needed for lights)
Cloud Nine Weddings - Bunting Rustic MR & MRS Bunting Hessian bunting $15.00 set

Please Note: We have a large variety of decorative pieces for weddings and events which may not be pictured here.  Please contact our office to find out if we have something similar to what you are wanting.